Advanced Leadership Institute
The Advanced Leadership Institute (ALI) is targeted to senior level leaders from across all CCCU institutions. A select group of 20-24 women and men leaders will come together to participate in the 2019 ALI.
The ALI will be held June 9-13, 2019.
Executive leaders in CCCU institutions know all too well the exhausting, relentless challenges facing Christian higher education. Recognizing how these daily pressures can weigh heavily on the spirit and body of leaders, the focus of this year’s Advanced Leadership Institute is “Forming Executives in the Crucible of Senior Leadership.”
The program will be intentional in allowing space and time for reflection and informal networking, while also providing participants with an opportunity to delve into fresh insights about their inner lives, their leadership effectiveness and professional resilience. Key resources will be Doris Kearns Goodwin’s 2018 book Leadership in Turbulent Times as well as insightful InterVarsity Press books authored by two of our Resource leaders: Making Room for Leadership by MaryKate Morse (professor of leadership and spiritual formation at Portland Seminary) and The Leadership Ellipse by Bob Fryling (long-time publisher of InterVarsity Press and vice president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship). Both books offer a refreshing and provocative view of leadership as God intends. Dr. André Stephens (Vice President for Student Development at Biola University) serves as another Resource leader.
The group size will be limited to 24 CCCU senior-level leaders. The ALI will be hosted at Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center (two miles from the Canadian border near Sumas, Washington), where over 400 current and emerging CCCU leaders have previously experienced the “thin place” that offers restorative beauty and prayed-over grounds. A primary goal of this “time away” from the daily demands is to strengthen the spiritual and professional resilience of participants.
By the conclusion of this ALI, the 24 executive leaders will return to their campuses re-centered in God’s love and re-purposed in their work to lead well, consistent with the thesis of James Davidson Hunter (To Change the World) that human flourishing happens best when God’s love “is embodied in us” and “is enacted through us.” Faithful presence occurs when leaders have rested and reflected on their inner lives and on their outer priorities. We invite registrations from individuals who are ready for a unique experience of rest, reflection, and resourcing that fits the reality of executive leaders.
We are grateful for support from John Brown University and Messiah College for this event.
Accommodations, materials, and all meals are included in the registration fee. Participants can select from single occupancy accommodations or double occupancy accommodations.
Single Occupancy $775
Double Occupancy $675
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your full registration or any special event associated with your registration at any time prior to the start of the program. Please note that a cancellation will not result in a return of funds. If your register and fail to attend an event, no funds will be returned. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at 202.546-8713.
Registration Process for 2019
This Advanced Leadership Institute is designed for cabinet-level leaders and other senior-level campus leaders who report directly to the top-most leadership team.
We plan to limit the group size to 24 participants (in addition to the Resource Leaders), with registrations processed to hold a slot on a first-come, first-served basis.
To register, please move to the Registration Steps below.
Questions may be directed to the ALI Program Coordinator, Dr. Karen A. Longman –
Step 1
Complete Step 1 Online Registration Form (see below).
Use this link to apply indicating your institution and current senior-level leadership role.
Step 2
Once your online registration is confirmed, you will be sent additional information and asked to register and pay the registration fee by April 15, 2019.
Special Note: If you are accepted, a “head shot” digital photograph that could be used in compiling a booklet of 2019 ALI participants will be requested.
This form allows us to obtain valuable information about your experience.
Once you register here, you will be directed to register again in order to pay for the event.
Important Form for ALI Participants
The 2019 Advanced Leadership Institute will be hosted by Cedar Springs Christian Retreat Center, located two hours north of Seattle near the Canadian border. The group will gather at Seattle’s SeaTac Airport by 12:30 on Sunday, June 9, to travel together by charter bus to the retreat site; after breakfast on Thursday, June 13, a charter bus will return the group to SeaTac for departures after 1:00 p.m. In this beautiful and restorative location, you will have time for personal and spiritual renewal, hikes, laughter, and expanding your network of professional colleagues who share a commitment to equipping students to be effective in all spheres of influence through Christian higher education.
Resource Leaders and Facilitators

MaryKate Morse
Professor of Leadership & Spiritual Formation
Lead Mentor for the DMIN in Leadership & Spiritual Formation
Portland Seminary at George Fox University
MaryKate Morse serves as the lead mentor for the leadership and spiritual formation DMin track at Portland Seminary at George Fox University. She began her ministry living in the Andes Mountains of Bolivia and Peru doing evangelism, theological education by extension, and social projects with the Aymará Indians. Upon return to the United States, she studied spiritual formation and direction, was certified as a spiritual director, and was recorded as a pastor with the Evangelical Friends. She holds two master's degrees (biblical studies and an MDiv) from Western Evangelical Seminary and a doctorate from Gonzaga University, where she studied the characteristics of renewal leadership as modeled by Jesus. She planted two churches with a leadership team. She previously served in various administrative positions at George Fox University, including seminary associate dean, director of hybrid programs, and university director of strategic planning. MaryKate has addressed large and small group gatherings in an array of national and internationally settings, including serving as a resource leader for several of the CCCU’s Women’s Leadership Development Institutes. Her publications include Making Room for Leadership: Power, Space, and Influence and A Guidebook to Prayer, as well as various book chapters and writing projects.

Robert A. (Bob) Fryling
Former Publisher
InterVarsity Press and
Former Vice president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Robert A. (Bob) Fryling served for many years as publisher of InterVarsity Press and vice president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He writes, speaks, and teaches in the areas of spiritual formation, leadership, Christian faith, and culture. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Bob graduated from Drexel University with a metallurgical engineering degree and later received a master’s degree in intercultural studies from Wheaton Graduate School. He has worked for Ford Motor Company and was director of human resources and education as well as national director of campus ministries for 14 years with InterVarsity. Bob’s experiences in leading a major evangelical publishing company during a period of extreme disruption can offer insights to those responsible for leading colleges and universities during similar unparalleled disruption.
A description of Bob’s 2010 IVP book titled The Leadership Ellipse: Shaping How We Lead by Who We Are offers clues to the content that will benefit our group: It is not uncommon for leaders to lament the discordance between their outer image, and their inner realities. Sometimes it is even painful. These worlds collide. They have different priorities, different assumptions, and different expectations…. How can we find congruity when our worlds seem so diametrically opposed? Fryling believes the answer is to develop an understanding of reality that is not pinpointed on specific goals or items, but to embrace the ambiguities and tensions of life similar to the way we embrace the ambiguity and tension of divinity and humanity of Christ as Christians.

André Stephens
Vice President, Student Development
Biola University, CA
After 25 years in enrollment management at Biola, André was appointed vice president for student development in the summer of 2016. In this role, André leads a dynamic team of co-curricular staff who desire to provide authentic, meaningful learning experiences that foster the character of Christ in students. In 2011, he created and facilitated the emerging leaders staff development program at Biola University. Each year, the emerging leaders program takes 14 staff members through leadership development training that includes a group project addressing student needs or concerns. All of the projects were implemented at Biola University.

Shirley Hoogstra
Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
Washington, DC
Shirley V. Hoogstra has served as the president of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities since 2014. A graduate of Calvin College and the University of Connecticut School of Law, Shirley left a successful legal practice work as a partner with a firm that specialized in litigation to begin a season of service to her alma mater, co-chairing Calvin’s first endowment drive, “Campaign for Calvin,” and subsequently selected to serving on the university’s Board of Trustees from 1995-1999. In a move that was as surprising to her as it was to others, Shirley sensed God’s call to work for the cause of Christian higher education full time. She became Calvin’s vice president for student life in July 1999, a role she served in until she became president of the CCCU.
During her time at Calvin, Shirley served as a key campus leader and cabinet member. She was also the co-host of Inner Compass, a nationally televised show on PBS. Now in her role as president of the CCCU, Shirley combines her zeal for the rule of law and her passion for Christian higher education as she represents the institutions of the CCCU. The CCCU’s outward-facing work at its intersection with government in Washington, D.C. calls upon Shirley’s authentic skills of listening, respecting and influencing leaders as she shares and promotes the importance of Christian colleges and universities as a part of a diverse, pluralistic system of higher education.

Karen Longman
Professor, Department of Higher Education
Program Director, Ph.D. in Higher Education
Azusa Pacific University, CA
Karen A. Longman directs the Ph.D. program in higher education at Azusa Pacific University, which currently serves approximately 100 students from across North America and around the world. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in the Center for the Study of Higher Education, and holds master’s degrees from U.M. and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Karen previously spent 19 years as the CCCU’s vice president for professional development and research, during which time she coordinated the design of an Executive Leadership Development Initiative, which has served over 400 participants. Karen is also a co-editor of a seven-volume book series focused on women and leadership and was the lead editor on the first volume in the series, titled Women and Leadership in Higher Education, sponsored by the International Leadership Association. (for details, see Additionally, she co-edits the journal Christian Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, Theory and Practice, and she has served on several national and international boards over the past 20 years.