2019 Commission on Technology Conference
The CCCU Commission on Technology invite you to join them June 4-6 at Wheaton College for the 2019 Commission on Technology Conference. Conference attendees will hear experts at plenary sessions, learn best practices and strategies from peers at other CCCU institutions, and have plenty of time for fellowship, networking, and fun.
The theme of the conference will be Technology as Strategy. The keynote sessions will include:
- Technology as Strategy in Education
- Technology as Strategy for Admissions
- Technology as Strategy for Kingdom Diversity
The conference will feature these keynote addresses as well as peer-presented breakout sessions. A new bonus opportunity for the 2019 event will be pre-event and post-event opportunities for focus group connections for people interested in in-depth discussions on particular topics and to connect, share challenges, and think about solutions. The focus groups will be:
- Chief Information Officers
- Academic and Scholarly Technology
- Enterprise Applications
- Infrastructure and Security
- Technology Support Services
We hope that each participant will leave refreshed and with a renewed sense of professional vision and practical ideas to implement on their own campuses.
11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Registration & Residence Hall Key Pick Up
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Optional: Campus Tour
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Focus Group Connections
An opportunity to meet like-minded peers like you and identify shared challenges that can continue to be unpacked throughout the rest of our time together.
Academic and Scholarly Technology Group
Facilitated by Steven Park, Director, Academic and Scholarly Technology, Wheaton College
CIO Group
Facilitated by Wendy Woodward, Chief Information & Campus Services Officer, Wheaton College
Enterprise Applications Group
Facilitated by Craig Williams, Director, Enterprise Applications, Wheaton College
Infrastructure and Security Group
Facilitated by Harvard Townsend, Director of Infrastructure and Security, Wheaton College
Technology Support Services Group
Facilitated by Bill Bemister, Director of Technology Support Services, Wheaton College
4:45 pm – 5:30 pm
Welcome Reception
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Picnic Dinner and Billy Graham Museum
Network with your peers and vendors over a casual outdoor picnic. The Billy Graham Museum will be open to explore. You’ll also have the chance to win a prize for traveling around our vendor world.
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Dessert with Perry Mastodon and Friends
Enjoy cookies and dessert bars in Wheaton College’s beautiful Meyer Science Center. We’ll be near the Perry Mastodon display and will also have the chance to see the Geology Museum in the lower level (featuring some taxidermy, a collection of stone frogs, and more!)
6:00 am
Optional Exercise – Scenic Illinois Prairie Path
7:30 am – 3:00 pm
Registration/Information Desk
7:30 am – 8:30 am
8:45 am – 9:00 am
Worship & Devotions
Worship leader: Brian Porick, Music Producer, Business Application Support, Wheaton College
Devotions: Philip Graham Ryken, President, Wheaton College
9:00 am – 9:45 am
Plenary: Technology as Strategy in Education
Dr. Jon Eckert will help us explore how technology within our industry positions our institutions strategically with today’s learners.
Jon Eckert, Associate Professor of Education, Wheaton College
9:45 am – 10:15 am
AM Break/Meet with Vendors
10:15 am – 11:00 am
Concurrent Breakout Sessions | Block 1
Understanding the Invisible Threat and Seeing How BitLyft Brings It to Light
Today, cybersecurity has the attention of most businesses. Understanding your adversaries and the data you hold is important. In this session we will be looking at making cyber attacks visible when they are the invisible threat. How do we need to thinking differently, what might our approach look like, and how can we develop a roadmap to success?
Jason Miller, CEO, BitLyft Security
Automating Identity: Wheaton College’s IAM Journey
Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a framework for ensuring appropriate access to an organization’s technology resources. Organizational growth makes it increasingly important to automate IAM functions for the ongoing security and accessibility of technology resources. In 2016, Wheaton College began the process of moving from a homegrown IAM solution to Fischer Identity’s IDaaS solution. We will share the lessons learned to benefit other institutions who are making changes to their IAM strategy.
Brian Hurley, Systems Integration Programmer, Wheaton College, and Kevin Sheehan, Workspace Service Manager, Wheaton College
Nurturing Relationships in the Transactional Space of Online Learning
Online students expect good feedback and quick responses from professors, but they often have surprisingly few expectations about a relationship with their professor or classmates. Strictly transactional learning spaces are disconnected from the intent of Christian colleges to build a community of learners. This session will equip participants with practical strategies to improve social presence and personal relationships in the online environment using tools like video, story, personal experience, assessment, structured discussion, and social media.
Rebecca Hoey, Director, Graduate School & Adult Learning, Northwestern College
Choosing Biblical Limits to Freedom (Theological Foundations)
Do the Ten Commandments necessitate preventing internet theft of songs and shows? How about filters for pornography and gambling? What would Jesus do about bad language on your WiFi network? This presentation will briefly survey several Christian university policies of content filtering, review recent biblical scholarship on censorship, and offer a path forward. There will be time for what is sure to be a lively discussion.
Dave Pederson, Online Projects Coordinator, Wheaton College
Leveraging Open Source Solutions in Higher Ed
If software is eating the world, then how can open source software change the sourcing strategies for higher ed? This session will share how Spring Arbor University (SAU) is leveraging open source solutions to modernize services at the infrastructure level and application level, as well as explore some of the challenges with open source and its potential to impact the value chain for the major higher ed solutions providers.
Randall Melton, CIO, Spring Arbor University
The Journey to Strategic IT Governance
Effective governance aligns technology goals with the institutional strategic plan, promotes an institution-wide view of technology, resolves conflicting priorities, and can lead to resource efficiency. It can also assist in providing transparency in decision making across the university. This presentation will illustrate the vision, strategic criteria, and the decision points IT navigated on the path to institution-wide project governance – a journey from IT order taker to strategic partner.
Sarah Flanagin, IT Business Analyst, Communication Officer, Indiana Wesleyan University and Damon Richardson, Director, IT Client Relations, Indiana Wesleyan University
11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Concurrent Breakout Sessions | Block 2
Digital Transformation Key Touchpoints: Increase Digital Impact at Every Stage of the Student Life Cycle
In the era of digital transformation, your students have new and sophisticated expectations of personalized experiences and information at their fingertips. Embracing the digital transformation movement is critical to competing with other institutions and to empowering your students to reach their academic goals. Learn about all of the touchpoints you can digitize for greater impact, from admissions to alumni management. Walk away with an actionable checklist to start implementing digital transformation at your institution today.
Dan Flatt, Enterprise Sales Manager, ERP Solutions, Blackbaud and Michell Clifton, Principal Consultant, Higher Education Solutions, Blackbaud
Multi-Modal Mass Notification
Learn how Gordon College partnered with Alertus Technologies to provide a multi-modal mass notification system that ties together diverse systems into a “one-click” launch of campus-wide notifications in emergencies, rather than the long list Gordon used to have. Attendees will also learn how the Alertus system has been leveraged to solve other campus needs, such as temperature monitoring in a server room, fire and burglar alarm notification, panic buttons, and HVAC monitoring.
Chris Jones, Associate VP for Technology & Operations, Gordon College, and Robbie Dierdorff, Regional Account Manager, Alertus
Academic Technologies: Library Meets IT and Produces Immersive Learning Experiences
Have you ever searched in the wrong place for much-needed answers? We have all been there. You can get more value for your buck from inside of your institution. Learn how ORU tripled their investments through internal partnerships between information technology and the library.
Mark Roberts, Dean of Library, Oral Roberts University
Choosing Limits to Biblical Freedom: Technological Challenges
Using technology to enforce community norms and secure institutional data is increasingly challenging, since nearly half of Internet traffic is encrypted, and students can learn within weeks how to bypass content filters. This session will describe how our respective campuses implement Internet content filtering and detect malicious encrypted traffic. We will also touch on the legal and cultural frameworks of free speech protection, privacy expectations, and academic freedom as they apply to private Christian institutions.
Harvard Townsend, Director of Infrastructure and Security, Wheaton College, and Adam Vedra, Associate CIO and CISO, Calvin College
Responding to GDPR: A Tale of Two Colleges
In response to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, Messiah College and Roberts Wesleyan will share how they each approached a “comfortable” level of compliance. A review of the basic tenants of GDPR will be shared, and each school will cover their approach, their level of compliance, and what is left to do.
William Strausbaugh, Vice President for Information Technology/Associate Provost, Messiah College, and Peter Saxena, AVP Information Technology, Roberts Wesleyan College
Big Man(date) on Campus: What GLBA Means for Higher Education
GLBA compliance (how you manage student financial information) is not a new concept, but audit requirements for higher education institutions might be delayed. This is the perfect time to verify that you meet all the requirements. Would your risk assessment make the grade? What about your training program? What type of evaluation of your third-party service providers do you need and how should you document it? The GLBA Safeguards Rule covers all of these items. Do you need a starting point to prepare for GLBA audits for your institution? Join Daniel
Gibson, security strategist with GreyCastle Security, for an overview of what you need to pass an audit.
Daniel Gibson, Security Strategist, GreyCastle Security
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
Plenary: Technology as Strategy for Admissions
Silvio Vazquez will share his thoughts on how technology can and should be leveraged as a strategic resource in the recruiting and admissions process. His experience spans three CCCU schools, so be ready to hear how partnering with technology over a 30-year period has informed his thinking and improved the admissions strategic process.
Silvio Vazquez, Chief Enrollment Management Officer, Wheaton College
2:15 pm – 2:30 pm
COT Awards Ceremony
Innovative CCCU IT Team Award: Awarded to the IT Team or sub team who has collectively worked together to reinvent themselves or a method to improve efficiencies in their department work or the entire campus.
Collaboration as a Strategy Award: Any person or team who has successfully collaborated with two or more entities, internal to their campus or externally with other CCCU schools to solve a significant problem or create an impactful opportunity.
CCCU IT Leadership Award: Awarded to either an experienced leader or rising star who models Christ-like qualities as they inspire teams to advance technology initiatives in alignment with institutional priorities. Nomination must be supported by at least three CCCU schools.
2:30 pm – 3:15 pm
Concurrent Breakout Sessions | Block 1
Up In the Cloud: A Discussion
Increasingly, we are finding value in subscribing to cloud-based services. Let’s compare notes and learn from each other. Bring your experiences (good or bad), fears, and thoughts related to moving your servers and systems to the cloud.
Craig Williams, Director, Enterprise Applications, Wheaton College, and Keith Olsen, Lead Technical Analyst, Wheaton College
Making Teaching Spaces More Flexible
In a world where it is possible to look up a video presentation or scholarly article about almost any topic imaginable in a matter of seconds, face-to-face teaching and learning are changing. Faculty are increasingly looking for more flexible spaces in which to conduct classroom activities. Join us as we discuss our recent initiative to create flexible classrooms with improved furniture and technology.
Steven Park, Director, Academic and Scholarly Technology, Wheaton College, Whitley Grey, Interior Designer, Wheaton College and Michael Rhoadarmer, Manager, Classrooms, Labs, Academic Support Services, Wheaton College
Multifactor Authentication: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Multifactor authentication (MFA) promises strengthened security, increased compliance, and simplified login. Yet implementation carries with it many potential risks (costs, employee usability, technical skills gap, complexity, etc.). Whether your campus has fully embraced MFA or is just starting out, join us for a lively discussion on the merits and maladies of MFA.
Ken Brown, CIO, Whitworth University and Dale Lee, Director, Information Security and Projects, California Baptist University
Support in the Data-Driven World
For those of us with a heart for support, we want to meet everyone’s request and help with every question. However, with budgets ever on the decline, we need to be able to quantify what we can and can’t do with the resources available. We will spend time reviewing metrics and KPIs that matter, as well as discussing tools that have been useful for doing more with less.
Bill Bemister, Director of Technology Support Services, Wheaton College
Share the Vision and Get Out of Their Way!
We will discuss how to strategically engage and coach student employees in order to champion their talent and make them meaningful contributors. Learn how to move away from telling your team “how” to do something and shift to “what”
needs doing, which eases training and management burdens while providing opportunities for flourishing. We will review a use case at Gordon College that consists of a student-driven software development group that allows Gordon to respond to agile software development needs while giving students meaningful growth opportunities. The approach is a benefit to the students involved (career preparation), the school (low-cost labor), and our mission as Christian institutions (to equip graduates who will make a difference for Christ in their industry).
Chris Hansen, Director of Information Systems, Gordon College
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
PM Break/Meet with Vendors
3:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Outing to Willow Creek Community Church
We will head over to Willow Creek Community Church’s main campus in South Barrington, IL, for their Wednesday evening service. We’ll have a behind-the-scenes tour of the A/V technology involved in putting together such a complex event. Then we will enjoy Lou Malnati’s pizza (a famous Chicago-style pizza!) in
our own room at Willow Creek. After dinner, we’ll participate in the Wednesday evening worship service and then head back to the Wheaton College campus. It will be a great time to fellowship with others on the bus, at Willow Creek, and over dinner.
Due to the complexity of the Willow Creek Campus, we strongly recommend using the provided transportation in lieu of driving.
6:00 am
Optional Exercise – Scenic Illinois Prairie Path
7:30 am – 2:30 pm
Information Desk
7:30 am – 8:45 am
Please be sure to check-out of your room no later than 11:00 a.m.
9:00 am – 9:45 am
Plenary: Technology as Strategy for Kingdom Diversity
Dr. Sheila Caldwell is passionate about supporting institutional efforts to reflect God’s diverse kingdom. She will share with us her thoughts on how access to technology both positively and negatively can affect these efforts.
Sheila Caldwell, Chief Intercultural Engagement Officer, Wheaton College
9:45 am – 10:00 am
Vendor Winners for Drawing Announced
Must be present to win!
10:00 am – 10:30 am
AM Break/Meet with Vendors
10:30 am – 11:15 am
Concurrent Breakout Sessions | Block 4
Analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Our Good Old Christian Colleges
Analytics helps us learn how and what we are doing in our processes. Predictive analytics allows us to use what we have learned to improve and be more successful in the future. In higher education, these processes can have tremendous value in admissions, fundraising, and student engagement with an eye toward retention. This presentation will give examples discuss with the audience how we could bring these cutting-edge thought processes and technologies to our communities.
Peter Saxena, AVP Information Technology, Roberts Wesleyan College
Accessibility, Content Creation, and Course Design: Applying Quality Matters Standards to Online Courses to Bring Diverse Learners Together
Accessibility should be in the first steps of every course design. This session includes case studies of high-quality course design with effective video content creation, tips on how to leverage the features of a learning management system, and how to use a team approach to course planning. A brief demonstration of
a production studio using teaching videos will demonstrate how you can pull everything together for successful course construction accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.
Ken Harrell, Video Program Producer, Wheaton College, Bruce Knowlton, Digital Content Strategist, Wheaton College, and Shari Lendy, Instructional Designer, Wheaton College
Outsourcing Cybersecurity: Two Perspectives
Six years ago, Wheaton College had no security program and no one with security responsibilities in their position description. We partnered with four other small liberal arts colleges to contract with a company to provide shared managed security services. This session will share how we got to this point, assess the value of a consortium in securing our campuses, discuss the trade-offs of managed security services versus hiring your own staff, and describe the risk-based security program in place after three years in the consortium.
Harvard Townsend, Director of Infrastructure and Security, Wheaton College, and Dale Lee, Director of InfoSec and Projects, California Baptist University
Is Blockchain Your Future in Higher Ed? Is It Going to Change Everything You Do at Your College or University?
Blockchain is being hyped as a technological revolution that will radically change or obsolesce many industries: finance, contract law, real estate, etc. What is Blockchain – is it the same as Bitcoin? Are they related? And how might higher ed be affected by Blockchain’s smart contracts, miners, and consensus algorithms?
Jeff Beaird, Network/Systems Engineer, Wheaton College
Event Support: Leveraging Strategy, Technology, and Labor to Successfully Support the Audio, Video, and Lighting Needs of Campus Events
Wheaton College’s event production team supports the audio, video, and lighting needs of 800 campus events per year. In addition to serving guests on site, content is delivered online and on broadcast television. We will give an interactive tour of two main auditoriums where this support occurs, with specific focus on areas that apply to any CCCU member involved or interested in this area of responsibility.
John Rorvik, Manager, Production and Event Support, Wheaton College
Adopting the G Suite (Google) for Higher Education
This presentation outlines Roberts Wesleyan College’s transition away from Microsoft Exchange to a full utilization of Google’s G Suite for Education. Included will be a detailed summary of the implementation process and an overall review of outcomes and insights. Additionally, there will be discussion surrounding the introduction of Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Google Meet, and other applications to a campus that had been previously fully integrated with primarily Microsoft Office products.
Patrick Glantz, Director of Instructional Technology, Roberts Wesleyan College
11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Follow Up on Focus Group: Putting it into Action
What will you do differently as a result of this conference? Brainstorm how you might be able to collaborate and share resources with another school or another person to help use “Technology as a Strategy” in your institution.
Academic and Scholarly Technology Group
Facilitated by Steven Park, Director, Academic and Scholarly Technology, Wheaton College
CIO Group
Facilitated by Wendy Woodward, Chief Information & Campus Services Officer, Wheaton College
Enterprise Applications Group
Facilitated by Craig Williams, Director, Enterprise Applications, Wheaton College
Infrastructure and Security Group
Facilitated by Harvard Townsend, Director of Infrastructure and Security, Wheaton College
Technology Support Services Group
Facilitated by Bill Bemister, Director of Technology Support Services, Wheaton College
12:10 pm – 1:15 pm
Box Lunches for maximum flexibility for you to take with you or eat here
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
Bonus Round 1
You pick the topic and we’ll provide space so you can collaborate with your peers. Post your topic ideas on the white board in the lobby until Wednesday at noon. Possible topics include Banner, IT Security, Smart Classrooms, Help Desk, etc. Details of bonus round sessions will be announcing Thursday morning.
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
Bonus Round 2
You pick the topic and we’ll provide space so you can collaborate with your peers. Post your topic ideas on the white board in the lobby until Wednesday at noon. Possible topics include Banner, IT Security, Smart Classrooms, Help Desk, etc. Details of bonus round sessions will be announcing Thursday morning.
Conference Rates |
Early Bird |
Regular |
Late |
CCCU Institution – Single | $375 | $425 | $475 |
CCCU Institution – Double | $350 | $400 | $450 |
CCCU Institution – No Housing | $275 | $325 | $375 |
Non-Member – Single | $550 | $600 | $650 |
Non-Member – Double | $525 | $575 | $625 |
Non-Member – No Housing | $450 | $500 | $550 |
Addl. Sponsorship | $525 | $575 | $625 |
Spouse/Guest – Double | $265 | $315 | $365 |
Spouse/Guest – No Housing | $195 | $250 | $300 |
Your registration fee includes:
Access to all conference sessions, meals, and materials, and on-campus housing unless you choose the package without housing included.
Registration Eligibility and Process:
CCCU conferences and events are a benefit to faculty, staff, and administrators at our CCCU institutions, so they are typically closed to non-member individuals and institutions unless they are sponsors or speakers. There are some exceptions to this rule, so if you are a non-member interested in attending, please send your request to conferences@cccu.org
All registrations are reviewed to ensure they meet the CCCU eligibility policies. The CCCU reserves the right to refuse or cancel all ineligible registrations at any time and shall not be held accountable for any outside fees associated with this cancellation.
Only individuals who register and present a badge may attend conference events. A badge is required for all conference sessions and events. For security reasons, badge swapping is not permitted. Anyone found wearing a badge that does not match his/her identification will be removed from the conference without a refund. In addition, the badge/name will be cancelled without a refund.
To register for the conference, click the Register button and sign in to your CCCU account. If you have any issues or if you forgot your log-in information, please call our office at (202) 546-8713 for assistance.
By registering for the conference, you are providing permission to receive emails, mailings, and faxes related to the conference. If you would like to opt-out from receiving the e-Advance Newsletter or if you wish to no longer receive emails from the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, updates your preferences by logging into your MY CCCU account.
Full payment must accompany your registration. Please call the CCCU office at (202) 546-8713 if you need to make payment by check.
Cancellation Policy:
You may cancel your registration at any time prior to the start of the program. If you must cancel, email conferences@cccu.org. Full refunds will be given for cancellations received by close of business April 26, 2019. Refunds for cancellations received after April 26, 2019, will be issued minus a $50 processing fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after May 18, 2019. Substitutions will be honored at any time. No-shows are not refunded.
Photo/Video Disclaimer:
By registering for and attending this event, you agree that your image may be used at any time, without further notification, for printed materials, websites, social media, and other marketing purposes. If you do not want us to use any photo that includes you, please contact the CCCU conference coordinator at jrascoe@cccu.org.
Lodging & Travel
If you’ve selected a registration option that does include housing, you will be housed in a dorm with one twin bed (in either single or double occupancy room, depending on what you’ve selected) and a linen package which includes:
- Two microfiber blankets
- One fitted sheet
- One flat sheet
- One pillow and pillow case
- Two face towels
- Two bath towels
- One wash cloth
One central bathroom is located on each floor. Toiletries are NOT included.
If you have selected a registration option that does not include on-campus housing and are looking for nearby hotels, please refer to the links below:
- Click here to view lodging near Wheaton
- Click here for more information about transportation and directions.
The Commission on Technology will be presenting three awards at the 2019 conference, focused on innovation, collaboration, and leadership.
Call for Proposals
Do you have a valuable experience or proven strategy that could be shared with your colleagues? The CCCU is seeking presenter proposals for the Commission on Technology Conference. We are looking for speakers who can share effective practices and successful strategies that can be implemented by participants to solve real life challenges on their campuses. Each of these sessions will be 45 minutes in length (including Q&A). The submission deadline is March 29, 2019 and presenters will be notified no later than April 5, 2019.
Exploring Wheaton & Chicago
Wheaton’s 80-acre campus is located in Wheaton, Illinois, just 25 miles west of Chicago. They are a five-minute walk to downtown Wheaton, and a 30-minute train ride to downtown Chicago. We encourage you to consider staying a few extra days to explore all that Wheaton and Chicago have to offer. If you’re interested in extending your stay and would like to stay in on-campus housing, please email Jamika Rascoe, Conferences and Communications Coordinator, at jrascoe@cccu.org.
Getting to Chicago
Wheaton’s campus is a block away from the College Ave train station where you can purchase a $8 weekend pass to downtown Chicago.
Full of parks, museums, other cultural sights such as the Lyric Opera and sport stadiums like Wrigley Field, visitors regularly take advantage of Wheaton’s close proximity to this great city.