CCCU Doctoral Ed Council - Christian-Oriented Mission
In this webinar, Dr. Perry Glanzer, Professor of Educational Foundations at Baylor University, will address the “scandal” in Christian graduate education—that is, the tension doctoral programs face in living out and showcasing their Christian distinctiveness.
Please join us in grappling with this essential, overriding question. This session will feature Dr. Glanzer’s presentation, Q&A, and conversation in break-out sessions with like-minded colleagues.
All faculty and administrators involved in doctoral education are welcome!
In preparation see Dr. Glanzer’s recent article, entitled The Scandal of Christian Graduate Education: And Some Proposals for Change.
The Doctoral Education Council’s (DEC) mission is to foster the development of strong and diverse doctoral programs among CCCU institutions by promoting collaboration among doctoral program directors, doctoral faculty, and those with oversight over doctoral education who wish to benefit from networking with their peers.
The webinar will take place at 2 PM CT on Thursday, September 28

Dr. Perry Glanzer
Dr. Perry Glanzer
PERRY L. GLANZER received his B.A. in History, Political Science and Religion from Rice University, his M.A. in Church-State Studies from Baylor University, and his Ph.D. in Religion and Social Ethics from University of Southern California. His research focuses primarily upon collegiate moral education and the relationship between Christianity and various forms of education. He has written prolifically on topics related to moral education and faith-based higher education including: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Teaching; The Quest for Purpose: The Collegiate Search for a Meaningful Life, and Restoring the Soul of the University: Unifying Christian Higher Education in a Fragmented Age. Currently, he is professor of Educational Foundations at Baylor University and a Resident Scholar with Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion.