SNEZEK Webinar Series: Collection Diversity Assessment
Virtual Event
Webinar Series Part Four
Collection Diversity Assessment
We are thrilled to invite you to register for our 2021 CCCU-Snezek Library Leadership Webinar Series! We will gather via Zoom for a series of webinars throughout the coming year. Our 2021 theme is Embracing Our Future. We will reflect on what we have learned this past year about the value of our academic libraries, and how that learning will inform the strategic decisions we make going forward.

Laura Walton, Library Director, Cornerstone University
Laura Walton, Library Director, Cornerstone University
Registration & Pricing
Click below to register for the five-part Webinar Series.
NOTE: If you registered for the SNEZEK Virtual Symposium and also selected the follow-up webinars, you do not have to register again.
Conference Rates
Your registration fee includes: Access to the five-part webinar series.
Registration Eligibility and Process:
CCCU conferences and events are a benefit to our members and affiliates, so they are typically closed to non-member individuals and institutions unless they are sponsors, exhibitors, or speakers. There are some exceptions to this rule, so if you are a non-member interested in attending, please send your request to
All registrations are reviewed to ensure they meet the CCCU eligibility policies. The CCCU reserves the right to refuse or cancel all ineligible registrations at any time and shall not be held accountable for any outside fees associated with this cancellation.
To register for the conference, click the Register button and sign in to your CCCU account.
If you have any issues or if you forgot your log-in information, please call our office at (202) 546-8713 for assistance.
By registering for the conference, you are providing permission to receive emails, mailings, and faxes related to the conference. If you would like to opt-out from receiving the e-Advance Newsletter or if you wish to no longer receive emails from the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, updates your preferences by logging into your MY CCCU account.
Full payment must accompany your registration. Please call the CCCU office at (202) 546-8713 if you need to make payment by check.
Cancellation Policy:
No refunds will be given for the webinars series. Substitutions will be honored at any time.
PLEASE NOTE: If you registered for the SNEZEK Virtual Symposium and also selected the follow-up webinars, you do not have to register again. If you are unsure whether you have registered for this webinar series, please contact