Campus & Faculty Grants


As a valuable member service, we offer a wide variety of grant opportunities for CCCU campuses, faculty members, rising seniors, and graduate students.

Networking Grants for Christian Scholars

Networking Grants for Christian Scholars seek to encourage collaborative scholarship among faculty members serving at CCCU member institutions and to connect these scholars with broader networks. The goal of the program is to support high-quality scholarship that brings Christian voices into contemporary academic conversations.

Thus, Networking Grants may support any research project that is both:
• significantly informed by Christian practices, perspectives, or purposes; and
• demonstrates the potential for dissemination and influence in the larger academy

The purpose of the Networking Grants is to facilitate Christian scholarly collaboration with an end toward impacting the broader academic community, projects that are targeted primarily to Christian audiences are less likely to receive funding.

Applicants may choose from two options:

Planning Grants:  Up to two one-year grants of up to $5,000 to networking teams to plan research projects.

Initiative Grants:  Up to two three-year grants of up to $30,000 to networking teams to implement research projects.

The CCCU Networking Grants are made possible by the significant endowment of Walter and Darlene Hansen, in memory of his parents, Ken and Jean Hansen.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 7, 2024 | AWARDED: August 2024 

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Immigration Programming Grants

Programming grants are available to CCCU institutions who participated in the Immigration Summits hosted in 2020 at Bethel University (IN) or Vanguard University. Eligible institutions can receive a grant for $1,000 to implement immigration-focused programming on campus. This grant will require an institution to host four immigration events in total: two campus-wide events and two smaller student-led events. All events must be hosted in Fall 2020 and will require follow up reporting. If interested in applying, please email

Prison Education

With the support of the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, the CCCU was honored to host a full day meeting in July 2019 for member institutions engaged in or interested in pursuing prison education. This initial meeting led to the creation of the CCCU Prison Education Task Force. The task force gathers together on a monthly conference call to brainstorm ideas for future grant funding and events. Please email Jacob Dunlap at for more information.

Christian Leadership in a Multifaith World

Through generous support from The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the CCCU has partnered with the Interfaith Youth Core to develop an online curriculum, titled “Christian Leadership in a Multifaith World,” that explores the Christian foundation for interfaith engagement, builds students’ religious literacy, and equips students to lead bridge-building activities in their communities. Faculty and staff on CCCU campuses were invited to apply for individual grants to use the pilot curriculum with their students in 2021.

At the CCCU, we are committed to the idea of resilient discipleship. We want to equip and empower our students to build a resilient faith, and to better understand their own beliefs by engaging with the beliefs of others. A recent groundbreaking longitudinal study of 20,000+ college students across the country showed that students who took part in activities that intentionally engaged religious diversity simultaneously deepened their commitment to their own religious identity.

Learn More    Participating Campuses

Inclusion Innovation Collaborative

The CCCU was awarded a grant through the American Immigration Council to become a part of the Inclusion Innovation Collaborative, which will support the development and scaling of projects that build more inclusive and welcoming communities across the United States. Six CCCU institutions have been selected to receive funding to promote programs that engage their students in work with other groups in their cities to create more inclusive communities. The CCCU has received additional funding for a year two cohort. Read about the selected institutions for this year’s award and their projects here.

Learn More    Welcoming Toolkit

Bridging the Two Cultures of Science and the Humanities

Organized by Scholarship & Christianity in Oxford (SCIO), the CCCU’s UK subsidiary, with funding from Templeton Religion Trust (TRT) and the Blankemeyer Foundation, the Bridging the Two Cultures project ran for two cohorts between 2015-2019. There is now an exciting follow up opportunity for the 49 faculty and 34 CCCU institutions that participated. TRT only accepts invited proposals and they have invited the 49 faculty members to each submit proposals for their small grants projects asking for grants lasting up to three years and $234,000. The SCIO team is supporting this effort offering guidance to faculty.

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STEM Research

The  CCCU and Scholarship & Christianity in Oxford (SCIO), the CCCU’s U.K. subsidiary, have received a $2.1 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation to launch Supporting Structures, a project designed to support and enhance STEM research among faculty and students on CCCU campuses.

This multi-faceted project will incorporate training, support, and events for faculty members, students, senior administrators, and the communities that feed into and support these institutions. It will expand research opportunities among existing, pre-tenure faculty members in the STEM fields and offer training to deepen their understanding of and engagement with issues pertaining to science, religion, and society. Additionally, the project has a specific fund dedicated to help participating campuses enhance diversity among their STEM faculty.

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Logos: Texts and Manuscripts

Scholarship & Christianity in Oxford (SCIO), the CCCU’s UK subsidiary, completed their 2020 workshop (held remotely), with funding provided by Steve and Jackie Green. Begun in 2012, the project brings together 30 up-and-coming biblical scholars (graduate students or graduating seniors headed to graduate school), a majority of whom historically have studied at CCCU institutions; faculty from CCCU institutions have also participated and regularly contribute to Logos. This two-week summer workshop combines lectures and workshops to advance the work of these developing scholars. The 2020 workshop lecture series featured a diverse range of speakers on issues of public engagement, the role of theological institutions upholding justice and supporting the marginalized, digitizing texts found in St. Catherine’s monastery in the Sinai, and the representation of Christianity in the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

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Dellenback Fellowship

The Dellenback Fellowship is being redesigned to enable the program to support international scholars and administration by funding their travel to the U.S. to participate in CCCU conferences. This Dellenback funding will be available to faculty and administrators at IAFF+ and ICPAR institutions. More details and the funding application are coming soon.


Those interested in learning more about the Dellenback Fellowship can contact Jeff Clawson, CCCU’s Director of Membership, Grants, and Research.

Past Grants

Economic Impact Studies

America’s Christian Credit Union (ACCU) provided funding to support CCCU institutions in pursuing institution-specific economic impact reports through eConcult Solutions. This is a part of a larger, groundbreaking study conducted on the “National Economic Impact of Christian Higher Education.” The following CCCU institutions have received eConsult grants: Anderson University, Asbury University, Greenville University, Lee University, Simpson University, and Vanguard University.

National Economic Impact