Our Plenary Speakers
We have assembled the following group of plenary speakers to join us.

Larry Acosta
Founder and CEO, Urban Youth Workers Institute

Samuel Afrane
President & Associate Professor, Christian Service University College

Bishop Claude Alexander
Senior Pastor, The Park Church (Thursday night dinner speaker)

Dan Boone
President, Trevecca Nazarene University

Andy Crouch
Author, Musician, and Public Speaker (will serve as our Forum Chaplain)

Rupen Das
Research Professor, Tyndale University College and Seminary; National Director, Canadian Bible Society, and Author

Jim Denison
Founder, Denison Forum on Truth and Culture

Stephen T. Franklin
Professor Emeritus and Former President, Tokyo Christian University

Michael Gerson
Op-Ed Columnist, The Washington Post

Deborah Haarsma
President, BioLogos

Jonathan Haidt
Professor, NYU-Stern School of Business and Author

Tom Hart
North America Executive Director, ONE

Wes Hill
Associate Professor of New Testament, Trinity School for Ministry, and Author

David Kinnaman
President, Barna Group

Diane Langberg
Psychologist and Author

Jim Martin
Professor of English and former Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, Mount Ida College

Paul Maurer
President, Montreat College

MaryKate Morse
Professor of Leadership & Spiritual Formation, Portland Seminary, and Author

Christian poet, activist, and artist

Gabriel Salguero
President, National Latino Evangelical Coalition; Pastor, Calvario City Church

James E. Samels
Founder/CEO, The Education Alliance and the Samels Group

Laurie Schreiner
Chair and Professor, Department of Higher Education, Azusa Pacific University

Senator Tim Scott
U.S. Senator (R-SC)

Bill Stanczykiewicz
Director, The Fund Raising School; Senior Lecturer in Philanthropic Studies

Marlene Wall
President, LCC International University

Colin Woodard

Molly Worthen
Assistant Professor of History, University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill, and Author

Mark Yarhouse
Hughes Endowed Chair and Professor of Psychology, Regent University, and Author