
International Institution Spotlight: Kenya
Spring 2021
Africa International University
Africa International University (AIU) was founded in 1983 by the Association of Evangelicals in Africa in Karen, a suburb on the outskirts of Nairobi. Known as the Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, its goal was to provide training beyond the basic certificate and diploma levels for pastors in the region. Over time, it expanded its program offerings and received a university charter from the Kenyan government in 2011.
Today, AIU continues in its mission to educate Christ-centered leaders for the transformation of God’s people and the world through innovative programs, research, and community engagement. It offers undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate degrees in a variety of fields, including biblical studies, theology, missions, business, finance, psychology and counseling, linguistics, interreligious studies, and education.
Africa Nazarene University
Founded in 1994 by the Church of the Nazarene, Africa Nazarene University (ANU) was the first Nazarene university established outside North America and offered undergraduate courses in theology and business, as well as a master’s in religion; a year later, it also offered a bachelor in computer science. ANU has continued to expand its program offerings and received its university charter from the Kenyan government in 2002.
Today, ANU offers 26 academic programs, serving 4,000 students from diverse geographical and economic backgrounds. With over a decade of experience in remote and distance learning, ANU conducted its first fully online semester in May 2020 amid the pandemic. About half of the student body is currently enrolled in online learning, which will be a defining element of education delivery at ANU going forward. In September 2020, ANU signed a partnership with Coursera that further expanded its online education offerings, providing students with a transformative online learning experience.