
Letter from the Chief Communications Officer
Fall 2024
Dr. Amanda Staggenborg
I once heard someone say that “Our God is a seasonal God.”
By that, they meant that His divine presence stays steadfast throughout our life transitions. He is there for our joys and struggles, guiding us through the personal and professional chapters that we begin and end. The Bible references seasons frequently, reminding us that all is done in God’s perfect timing. For example, Daniel 2:21 tells us, “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
Through any season, our journey is grounded in faith. Each step carries meaning as we walk with Jesus towards a purposeful life. We may not understand how or why we are called to a decision, a path, or a role, but everything is planned according to God’s unique and perfect time for each of us.
One of the divinely beautiful ways we experience the seasons is the sense of completeness as one season ends and hopeful anticipation as another begins. As we embark on a new season of leadership at the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, we are filled with hope and inspiration, adapting to new opportunities and facing rising challenges while we hold firmly to God’s truth.
In this issue of ADVANCE, we honor President Shirley Hoogstra’s decade of leadership and faithfulness to the CCCU. Her mosaic of contributions protected religious liberty, strengthened relationships, and rooted the academic and cultural significance of Christian higher education for generations to come. We also welcome President David A. Hoag, who begins his season as the eighth president of the CCCU. As he navigates the complex waters of cultural and societal division, he will lean on his vast experience in Christian higher education, pointed toward true north by the Gospel.
This issue also features an interview with the CCCU board chairs (Drs. Dan Boone, David Wright, Shirley Mullen, Jay Barnes, and Chip Pollard) who served throughout the last decade, offering reflections on past challenges and insights for the future. In addition, you will find a summary of key moments from the Hunter v. Department of Education lawsuit (from both the district and appeals courts). We feature an article by Dr. Stan Rosenberg discussing the sometimes conflicting roles of research and administration. Meanwhile, Dr. Rosenberg’s interview with Dr. Joy Buchanan (Samford University), Dr. Andrew Lang (Oral Roberts University), and Dr. David Bourgeois (Biola University) about the infusion of AI in the workflow of higher education presents opportunities in a new chapter of technology.
We may not understand how or why we are called to a decision, a path, or a role, but everything is planned according to God’s unique and perfect time for each of us.
Finally, Dr. Paul Percy reviews Steve Woodworth’s guide to ministry leadership transitions in his new book, Lost in Transition: Lessons from the Most Disastrous & Successful Ministry Successions. As we examine changes in leadership, culture, technology, and the law, we are constantly reminded that every season has its purpose.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that, “[God] has made everything beautiful in its time.” As we enter this new season at the CCCU, let us reflect with a collective vision and an open heart to embrace God’s plan for a hopeful journey ahead.
Dr. Amanda Staggenborg is the chief communications officer for the CCCU.