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Darren Campbell Receives 2023 Champion of Vision Award
February 10, 2023
(Washington, D.C.)—Entrepreneur and Christian college advocate Darren Campbell received the 2023 CCCU Champion of Vision Award at the Presidents Conference in Washington, D.C. Campbell was honored at the 2023 Presidents Conference in Washington, D.C. for his entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen in supporting Christian higher education.
The Champion of Vision Award is presented to individuals who have championed partnerships to promote the flourishing of CCCU institutions and their surrounding communities.
“Keith Drury wrote in his book, The Call of a Lifetime, how ‘service that is Christian in either content or motivation IS Christian ministry,’” said Shirley Hoogstra, CCCU President, in her award presentation. “We at the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities recognize that the love of Jesus has long motivated your life and work. Anyone who knows you recognizes your entrepreneurial spirit as an inspiring example of Christian ministry.”
Campbell’s love for Christian higher education was woven into his business decisions. He and his wife Nancy, along with her parents and sister, opened a book and coffee shop in 1997 that grew into the Tree of Life Bookstore before becoming SlingShot a few years later, the first textbook rental service in the industry.
“You have now taken your innovative vision for fulfilling ‘the Great Commission delivered through Christian education’ to the next level with Campus Edu,” Hoogstra said. “As a result, the rest of the world will benefit from a lower cost solution. With each step, you have never stopped championing the mission of Christian higher education.”
Campbell has long sponsored CCCU Presidents and Multi-Academic conferences and supported the CCCU team in a variety of ways. As a result, many CCCU member institutions have grown with excellence and grace.
“It’s a tough time for many right now in Christian higher education,” Campbell said in accepting the award. “As followers of Christ, we know that things are rigged in our favor. And as many CCCU schools struggle just to stay afloat, it’s good to remember just who is behind all the work we do. I’m so thankful for this award and for the opportunity to partner with the good work of bringing Christ into the classroom across our campuses.”
Hoogstra cited Proverbs 11:10 as she closed her presentation to Campbell: “When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices.”
For further information about the Champion of Vision Award, please contact Dr. Amanda Staggenborg, Chief Communication Officer, at
The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities is a higher education association of more than 185 Christian institutions around the world. Since 1976, the CCCU has served as the leading national voice of Christian higher education. With campuses across the globe, including more than 150 in the U.S. and Canada and more than 30 from an additional 19 countries, CCCU institutions are accredited, comprehensive colleges and universities whose missions are Christ-centered and rooted in the historic Christian faith. Most also have curricula rooted in the arts and sciences. The CCCU’s mission is to advance the cause of Christ-centered higher education and to help our institutions transform lives by faithfully relating scholarship and service to biblical truth.
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