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CCCU Welcomes New Institution
August 10, 2020
WASHINGTON – The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) is pleased to welcome Morling College in Macquarie Park, Australia to its expansive network of Christian colleges and universities across the globe, including more than 150 in the U.S. and Canada and more than 30 from an additional 18 countries.
Morling College has been providing biblically-grounded quality education and training for over 100 years. Featuring a community of students from a wide range of denominations, the Baptist theological college challenges, stretches, and equips students and offers cutting-edge training in Bible, ministry, theology, evangelism, mission, education, counseling, chaplaincy, and leadership development. Morling College is currently in the process or merging with Vose Seminary in Western Australia.
“Morling College will greatly benefit from global interaction with other colleges and universities on a similar God-given direction,” shares Ross Clifford, Principal of Morling College. “We are very appreciative of the alliances we have in Australia, but we are a global village and are strengthened together. We will be seeking to serve and share in ways the Lord might lead. I am also looking forward to our faculty joining in on CCCU meetings, as I believe they are enriching occasions. Sadly, this will have to wait until COVID-19 has been defeated!”
The CCCU Board of Directors approved the admission of Morling College at its July 2020 meeting.
For a full list of CCCU institutions, visit