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CCCU Welcomes DOE’s Review of Title IX
September 7, 2017
WASHINGTON – The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities welcomes Secretary Betsy DeVos’ announcement today that the Department of Education will launch a notice-and-comment period to seek feedback on Title IX enforcement. Secretary DeVos poignantly described the devastating impacts of sexual misconduct on victims and communities. We agree that “One assault is one too many. One aggressive act of harassment is one too many. One person denied due process is one too many.” At the same time, the CCCU recognizes that broad interpretations of Title IX over time have at times created unhelpful and unfunded burdens on higher education institutions that do little to protect students.
This period is a promising demonstration of the Secretary’s call to “do better for each other and with each other.” We will actively engage in the notice-and-comment period to ensure that the voice of our constituents is heard as the department solicits input. We will continue to work with our institutions to empower them to engage the department directly as well. We look forward to partnering with the Department of Education as we seek to protect, educate, and inspire our nation’s students.