Women's Leadership Development Institute
The Women’s Leadership Development Institute (WLDI) is a year-long program targeted toward women leaders from across CCCU institutions, with 20-25 emerging leaders selected for the year-long program.
Application information can be found below.
The 2023 CCCU Women’s Leadership Development Institute will take place in Cedar Springs, Washington from June 12-16, 2023.
The WLDI includes the following components:
- A year-long leadership development program that begins with the Institute at Cedar Springs
- An individually-tailored “shadowing” experience of 2-3 days with a senior-level leader on another CCCU campus
- Professional networking with 20-25 current and emerging leaders
- An introduction to cutting-edge leadership literature and research
- A one-on-one meeting with a Resource Team member to outline a year-long Professional Development Plan
- Opportunities to interact about leadership lessons, case studies, and best practices from within and beyond Christian higher education
“The power of spending four days in a room full of brilliant women should not be underestimated. I’m spiritually recharged and better equipped to lead. I walked away with a new super power: a network of women who can turn to each other for mutual support, collective wisdom, encouragement, and camaraderie. Do not let this life-changing opportunity pass you by.”
“This experience exceeded my expectations in so many ways. Being in an environment with such dedicated and gifted women, I left with great hope for the future of Christian higher education. Leaving Cedar Springs, I feel encouraged and focused to lead well both at my own institution and within the movement of Christian higher education more broadly. It was such a privilege to attend this event, and I am grateful for all those who made it possible.”
“WLDI was refreshing, renewing, thought-provoking, and energizing. I had an opportunity to meet and connect on a different level with some amazing women in higher education leadership. I understand my strengths more and how I can use them to become a leader and how to become a better influencer to move our organization forward.”
“The WLDI was a time of life-giving conversations with other highly gifted women in significant leadership roles in their universities and colleges. The beauty of Cedar Springs provided the perfect backdrop for a time of being personally renewed, thoughtfully resourced, and gaining what I believe will be life-long friendships and leadership networks.”
Upon notification of the acceptance of your application for the workshop, you will be required to immediately register to attend the workshop.
Accommodations, materials, and all meals are included in the registration fee. Due to COVID restrictions, participants will register for single accommodations only.
Registration – $500
Single Occupancy – $557
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your full registration or any special event associated with your registration at any time prior to the start of the program. Please note that a cancellation will not result in a return of funds. If your register and fail to attend an event, no funds will be returned. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at 202.546-8713.
Application Process
Preference will be given to applicants who: (1) hold a doctorate or are actively considering/pursuing doctoral studies; (2) are recognized as “up-and- comers” with demonstrated leadership skills and the potential for future senior-level leadership; (3) provide evidence of increasing levels of leadership responsibility within and/or beyond higher education.
Accepted applicants must agree to be actively engaged in the following program components:
- Completion of their specific institute-related readings
- Participation in the entire June Institute at Cedar Springs
- Development and fulfillment of a year-long Professional Development Plan
- Interaction with a Resource Leader to identify a tailor-made shadowing site and mentor
Submission of a written shadowing report upon completion of the campus visit
Step 1 : Written Questions
Prepare a word document responding briefly to each of the following questions (no more than one page per question):
- Describe your higher education leadership experience in faculty and/or administrative roles, indicating evidence of increasing areas of responsibility. Also, please describe what you discern to be your gifts and abilities that allow you to be effective in leadership. In what specific ways have your leadership gifts been affirmed by others?
- Identify and briefly describe three individuals who have been, or have the potential to be, professional mentors to you in higher education. Explain what characteristics have led you to include each of these three individuals (e.g., attributes and abilities you deem to be important in such a mentor) and note what current relationship, if any, you have with each of these individuals.
- Describe briefly your professional, personal, and spiritual goals for the next three-to-five years as you consider the possibility of administrative leadership in Christian higher education. Briefly describe those areas that you perceive to need strengthening as you consider future leadership roles. Please incorporate your preliminary thinking about the components that might be important to you in your shadowing experience and year-long Professional Development Plan.
Each application must be uploaded in Word format only, submitted electronically via your application and include the following:
- The application cover sheet with personal information completed. Please include the following on your cover sheet:
- Full Name
- Title
- Current Institutional Title
- Institution
- Years in Higher Education Teaching/Administration
- Work Telephone with Extension
- Work Email
- Cell Number
- Date of Submission
- Your responses to the three questions listed above (no more than one page per question)
- An abbreviated curriculum vitae (no more than three pages)
- Two letters of reference to be submitted directly by those recommending the applicant. (See below instructions.) Recommendations from participants of previous CCCU Leadership Development Institutes are also encouraged but not necessary.
Step 2: Online Application
Complete the LDI and WLDI Application Online Form (See link below) and upload your question responses and your CV directly to the form.
Registration Deadline – February 20, 2023
Step 3: Reference Letter Submission Form
Reference letters should be uploaded directly from the referee and separate from the application. Please have your references use the form below to upload their letters.
- One letter of reference from a senior-level administrator (current or previous) who is familiar with your professional abilities and leadership potential
- One letter of reference from someone in higher education who knows you well and is qualified to address areas of competence and potential, character, areas of giftedness, and spiritual maturity
If your reference is having trouble using this form, please have them email their letters directly to Kay Casturo at ccasturo@cccu.org. The subject of the email should read ‘WLDI 2023 Reference: <Applicants name>’. We will not be accepting paper copies via mail.
Deadline for receiving references – February 20, 2023
Prepare a word document responding briefly to each of the following questions (no more than one page per question):
- Describe your higher education leadership experience in faculty and/or administrative roles, indicating evidence of increasing areas of responsibility. Also, please describe what you discern to be your gifts and abilities that allow you to be effective in leadership. In what specific ways have your leadership gifts been affirmed by others?
- Identify and briefly describe three individuals who have been, or have the potential to be, professional mentors to you in higher education. Explain what characteristics have led you to include each of these three individuals (e.g., attributes and abilities you deem to be important in such a mentor) and note what current relationship, if any, you have with each of these individuals.
- Describe briefly your professional, personal, and spiritual goals for the next three-to-five years as you consider the possibility of administrative leadership in Christian higher education. Briefly describe those areas that you perceive to need strengthening as you consider future leadership roles. Please incorporate your preliminary thinking about the components that might be important to you in your shadowing experience and year-long Professional Development Plan.
Each application must be uploaded in Word format only, submitted electronically via your application and include the following:
- The application cover sheet with personal information completed. Please include the following on your cover sheet:
- Full Name
- Title
- Current Institutional Title
- Institution
- Years in Higher Education Teaching/Administration
- Work Telephone with Extension
- Work Email
- Cell Number
- Date of Submission
- Your responses to the three questions listed above (no more than one page per question)
- An abbreviated curriculum vitae (no more than three pages)
- Two letters of reference to be submitted directly by those recommending the applicant. (See below instructions.) Recommendations from participants of previous CCCU Leadership Development Institutes are also encouraged but not necessary.
Reference letters should be uploaded directly from the referee and separate from the application. Please have your references use the form below to upload their letters.
- One letter of reference from a senior-level administrator (current or previous) who is familiar with your professional abilities and leadership potential
- One letter of reference from someone in higher education who knows you well and is qualified to address areas of competence and potential, character, areas of giftedness, and spiritual maturity
If your reference is having trouble using this form, please have them email their letters directly to Kay Casturo at ccasturo@cccu.org. The subject of the email should read ‘WLDI 2023 Reference: <Applicants name>’. We will not be accepting paper copies via mail.
Deadline for receiving references – February 20, 2023
The entire workshop program will take place at the Cedar Springs Retreat Center.The closest airport to the Cedar Springs facility is Seattle-Tacoma (Sea-Tac) International Airport (SEA). A charter bus will transport participants to and from Sea-Tac airport only. Participants must arrange their own transportation from any other airport. Accommodations, materials, and all meals are included in the registration fee. Accepted applicants can select from single occupancy accommodations or double occupancy accommodations.

Amy Carey
Friends University
Wichita, KS

Karen Dowling
Vice President for Diversity and Intercultural Integration
Indiana Wesleyan University
Marion, IN

Meghan Griffin
Southeastern University
Lakeland, FL

Shirley Hoogstra
CCCU President
Washington, DC

Mary Hulst
Calvin University
Grand Rapids, MI

Karen Longman
CCCU Senior Fellow
Professor and Ph.D. Program Director, Doctoral Higher Education
Azusa Pacific University
Azusa, CA

Deborah White
Spiritual Director & Strengths Coach
Thank you to our sponsor!
Learn More About Leadership Development Institute